Monday 2 January 2017

Warm Greetings to All Parents and Children!

Dear Parents and Children,

Welcome back from the December Holidays and warm greetings to everyone. I am Ms Tan Hui Lin, the form teacher of 2 Integrity. I am truly glad to have your child in my class. I will be taking 2 Integrity pupils for English Language, Mathematics, Social Studies and FTGP this year.

I would like to seek your support to create a beneficial learning experience for our children together.

As such, I will need your help to refer to this blog on a frequent basis and ensure that our child:

1) Completes the daily homework at home.
2) Comes to school with the required materials everyday.

Below is my email address. Do feel free to email me if you do need to contact me. I look forward to a great year ahead with you and our child. 

Email Address:

Yours sincerely,
Ms Tan Hui Lin