Monday 8 May 2017

Homework and Sign Forms

Homework - MLEA Book
1) Sign "Something That I Enjoy Making In My Free Time"
2) Copy "Under The Sea" group writing
3) After you have copied in, remember to paste or staple in 2 papers (Under The Sea group writing and your drawing)

Sign P2 Environmental Education Learning Journey To Hortpark Form (Hand In Tomorrow)
As shared during our lesson today, we will be having a learning journey to Hortpark on Next Monday, 15 May. Remember to show your form to your parents today. 

Things To Bring: Small bag, water bottle, storybook, pencil case, cap, umbrella / raincoat and light snacks, mosquito repellant patch
Attire: PE Attire
Reporting Time to school and Dismissal Time from school: As usual

Sign Parent-Child-Teacher Conference Form (Hand In Tomorrow)
If you have received the above consent form today, remember to have it signed and bring to school tomorrow.