Tuesday 18 July 2017

Racial Harmony Day (This Friday, 21 July)

Racial Harmony Day (This Friday, 21 July)

We will be commemorating our Racial Harmony Day on this Friday, 21 July. We encourage all of you, boys and girls, to come to school in an ethnic costume if you have or if you are able to find a set. It would even be better if you could come in an ethnic costume different from your race so as to better appreciate and experience other races' cultures. Here are some ideas for ethnic costumes. As for shoes, wear your school shoes. 

1) Maths Workbook - Complete all corrections. After you complete, show to your parents to check your completed corrections and pages 1 and 17 to sign.
2) Maths Topical Worksheet: Fractions

Remember to revise for tomorrow's Maths Test and do bring back your Maths File tomorrow too.