Wednesday 30 August 2017

September Holidays

Dear Children, Parents and Guardians,

Thank you to all of you for every small effort in celebrating Teachers' Day for all your teachers today. Children, I am always greatly heartened with every effort that you put in into making a card, note or a small gift and how you choose the act of giving and caring.

September Holidays 
Remember to set aside some time to revise your work this holidays.
1) Read and Write Booklet: Read storybooks, colour colouring page and write a few sentences about it
2) Revise 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 Times Tables

I will see all of you back in school after your September holidays. Have a good break, rest well and stay safe if you are travelling!

Ms Tan

Tuesday 29 August 2017

A Scary Moment Writing

A Scary Moment Writing
1) Draw
2) Write
3) Revise

Remember to revise your writing to check if the sentences in your writing make sense. If any of the sentences do not make sense, rephrase it. Check for spelling, puctuation and tense mistakes.

Monday 28 August 2017

My Read and Write Booklet

My Read and Write Booklet

You should have received this booklet today. Do the following activities, record in your booklet and earn a token upon completion. You may do it during silent mission time or at home. 

1) Read 8 Storybooks 
Choose 5 books from our classroom library with the indicated colour sticker and for the other 3 books, they can be books which you borrow from public library, your own books, our classroom library or more. After you complete reading a book, share it with your parents/guardians and allow them to sign.

2) Write
Pick up and stick a colour post-it note at our classroom library and 
- think of a question about the book, from our classroom library, write the question and your name. Stick the note into the book on the page. 
- answer a question on the note which your classmates have come up with.
- Pick up a colouring page, write a few sentences or story about it.
* To earn a bonus sticker, draw pictures and create a storybook, and share with the class.

3) Maths Activity
- Play multiplication and division cards with a partner, get 12 correct answers and pass your booklet to your friend to write his or her name. 

Hand in your completed booklet to me anytime until the end of this year and earn your token!

Order Our Class Photos (Tomorrow and Wednesday, 29, 30 August)
You should have received the order form for our class photos. If you are ordering, please fill in the order form, put in this form with the exact cash amount into the envelope and seal it. You may submit your envelope at the canteen during recess tomorrow and on Wednesday.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Class Tests Results and Homework

Class Tests Results
As we go through the English and Maths test papers later in the week, remember to record your marks into your diary. You have gotten back your Listening Comprehension and Spelling tests today. Remember to share your marks with your parents and family today. You may get to bring home all your papers later in the week or early next week.

English Tests
1) Class Test                                 : _____/30
2) Listening Comprehension Test: _____/20
3) Spelling Test                            : _____/10
    Total                                         : _____/60

Maths Class Test: _____/20

1) Maths Topical Worksheet: Shapes, Solid Figures and Patterns (Only if you have not completed it in class today)
2) Learn Spelling

Monday 21 August 2017


1) Maths Workbook: Pg 65-67 and all corrections
2) Maths Worksheet: Square and Dot Grid

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Homework and Notifications

1) Maths Workbook Pg 63-64
2) Maths Topical Worksheet: Money
3) Revise for next week's English and Maths Class tests

Remember to return the following on next Tuesday, 22 Aug
1) English File
2) Maths File
3) Maths Workbook 2B Part 2

Monday 14 August 2017

Today's Homework

1) Maths Workbook: Pg 53-56
On pages which you need to colour, please colour neatly. On page 55, use the circle cut-out, given to you, for the activity.
2) Revise Spelling Lists 2-7 for this Wednesday's spelling test
3) Sign today's spelling quiz and do your corrections

Complete the following by this Wednesday:
1) English Class Test Practice Paper

Saturday 12 August 2017

Bring Colour Pencils on Monday, 14 August

Dear Children,

We will do a Maths colouring activity on Monday, 14 August. Please bring a set of colour pencils if possible.

Have a good rest.

Friday 11 August 2017

Spelling Quiz (Next Monday, 14 Aug) and Spelling Test (Next Wednesday, 16 Aug)

Boys and Girls,

Have a good rest this weekend.

Spelling Quiz (Next Monday, 14 Aug) and Spelling Test (Next Wednesday, 16 Aug) 
Learn all the spelling lists (Spelling Lists 2 to 6) for this term to prepare yourself for next week's spelling quiz and test.

Remember to do the following too.
1) Maths Workbook: All corrections (If you have not completed Pgs 27-28 during the lesson today, please complete them.)
2) Sign spelling and do corrections
3) Show letter

*Do remember that we will also have English Listening Comprehension Test on Next Monday.

Monday 7 August 2017

Today's Notification

Listening Comprehension Practice Paper
Remember to show the above to your parents for signature today.

Friday 4 August 2017

English and Maths Class Tests

English and Maths Class Tests

Boys and girls, do set aside time to revise for your upcoming tests. As what is said during our lesson today, I will be giving you some English class test practices next week. After which, you may bring them home to revise.

English Class Test Dates
Mon, 14 August: Listening Comprehension
Wed, 16 August: Spelling Test (All the 60 words of this term's spelling lists will be tested - Spelling Lists 1 to 6)
Mon, 21 August: English Class Test (Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension)

Spelling Quiz (Monday, 14 Aug)
Remember to start studying all the 60 spelling words for your above spelling test. We will have our very own class spelling quiz on this day to see how well you are prepared for Wednesday's Spelling test.

Maths Class Test (Tues, 22 August)
The topics which we will be tested on are
- Money
- Shapes, Solid Figures and Patterns

Today's Homework 
Maths Workbook Pg 13-15

Have a good rest this weekend!

Thursday 3 August 2017

Writing: A Windy Day

Writing: A Windy Day

Boys and girls, remember to do the following today.

Recount an experience of kite flying, playing at a playground, or playing catching which you have had before.
1) Writing Plan Worksheet: Use the sub-headings to plan your writing
2) Write

Remember to...
1) Use past tense words and adjectives
2) Leave 2-finger spacing to start every new paragraph
3) Leave a line

Wednesday 2 August 2017


1) Maths Workbook: Pg 21-24
2) Doodle and Jot: Activities That I Do On A Windy Day (If you have not completed in classroom today)
- List at least 3 activities
- Choose 1, draw and label
- Write a few sentences to describe what you have drawn
3) Learn spelling
4) Sign spelling and do corrections

Tuesday 1 August 2017