Monday 28 August 2017

My Read and Write Booklet

My Read and Write Booklet

You should have received this booklet today. Do the following activities, record in your booklet and earn a token upon completion. You may do it during silent mission time or at home. 

1) Read 8 Storybooks 
Choose 5 books from our classroom library with the indicated colour sticker and for the other 3 books, they can be books which you borrow from public library, your own books, our classroom library or more. After you complete reading a book, share it with your parents/guardians and allow them to sign.

2) Write
Pick up and stick a colour post-it note at our classroom library and 
- think of a question about the book, from our classroom library, write the question and your name. Stick the note into the book on the page. 
- answer a question on the note which your classmates have come up with.
- Pick up a colouring page, write a few sentences or story about it.
* To earn a bonus sticker, draw pictures and create a storybook, and share with the class.

3) Maths Activity
- Play multiplication and division cards with a partner, get 12 correct answers and pass your booklet to your friend to write his or her name. 

Hand in your completed booklet to me anytime until the end of this year and earn your token!

Order Our Class Photos (Tomorrow and Wednesday, 29, 30 August)
You should have received the order form for our class photos. If you are ordering, please fill in the order form, put in this form with the exact cash amount into the envelope and seal it. You may submit your envelope at the canteen during recess tomorrow and on Wednesday.