Tuesday 10 October 2017

Speech and Drama Programme and ZPS Shining Stars 2017

Homework For Today
1) Maths Workbook Page 61-66

2) Sign Composition: A Day When Someone Was Scared

Speech and Drama Programme and ZPS Shining Stars 2017
Today, each of our children has received 2 letters regarding the above. I would like to have your help to go through these 2 letters and note the following: 

Speech and Drama Lessons
There is a change in the Speech and Drama lessons for the following dates. Our children will report after school at 2.15 p.m. as per usual. However, they will be dismissed at 4 p.m. instead of their usual dismissal time at 3.30 p.m.    
1) Tuesday, 31 Oct     
2) Tuesday, 7 Nov      
3) Wednesday, 8 Nov    

ZPS Shining Stars 2017 (Thursday, 9 November)
Our children will be putting up their Speech and Drama performance on Thursday, 9 November. We would like to invite all parents to come to school. Our children have put in much effort in their training since the start of the year and all of us would love to have you watch them perform on this special day. Your attendance will definitely root on for our children. Do come and join us if possible!

You may like to confirm your attendance with this link, http://tinyurl.com/ZPSShining2017. 
*For each pupil, a maximum of two family members can come along. 

Please note the following arrangements for our children on this day. There will be no school on this day. 
Reporting Time: 1 p.m.
Dismissal Time: 5 p.m.
Attire: PE attire and school shoes
Do have your child eat his or her lunch at home before coming to school.